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What determines the effectiveness o...
What determines the effectiveness o...
What determines the effectiveness o...
What determines the effectiveness of a Prayer
The Creator & Me
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days after you enroll
Does the Creator love me more (02:18)
What is Prayer (02:02)
The Foundation of a Successful Prayer (01:39)
How do we Connect to a Higher Power (01:04)
Three Levels of Prayer (03:23)
What determines the effectiveness of a Prayer (02:05)
What Can Block a Prayer (06:29)
Step 1 for effective Praying - Prepare (11:37)
Speeding Up the Fulfillment of your Wish (03:08)
How do you Know if it works (02:32)
Doubt and Negative Thoughts (01:41)
Expose Your Childen to Praying (01:21)
Who Benefits From the Prayer (01:11)
Praying vs Blessing (03:49)
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